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Useful Language for Conversations

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There are some old audios for some of these. My plan is to try to publish on the TP Podcast audios for all of these. Post your useful sentences on the forum! so we can improve this section.

bullet Useful Language for Persuasion New! word doc (2 pages) - listen Listen here (C1)

bullet Useful Language for Speaking Interactions 1 (Intermediate, Advanced) (2 pages) - Organizing Events, Helping People, Pros and Cons of Options
bullet Useful Language for Speaking Interactions 2 - Spain (Intermediate, Advanced)

bullet Everyday Language Language you hear in TV series! (people's daily lives)

bullet Banks & Money 01
bullet Useful Language for Travel(l)ing
bullet Saying you're sorry / Apologizing
bullet Saying thank you (in oral & written texts; formal and informal language)
bullet Saying good-bye (in oral & written texts; formal and informal language)
bullet Saying hello (in oral & written texts; formal and informal language)
bullet Making Requests /Responding to Requests (in oral & written texts; formal and informal language)
bullet Giving contact information

Check out the TP Podcast episodes devoted to Conversations and Communicative Strategies

Part 1 external link listen Read here the sentences:
bullet Asking for Clarification & Getting More Info,
bullet Checking for Comprehension

Part 2 external link listen Read here the sentences:
bullet Inviting People to Speak
bullet Agreeing
Sitting on the Fence
bullet Showing You Follow & Making Comments

Part 3 external link listen Read here the sentences:
bullet Defending a Position
bullet Disagreeing & Challenging a Position
bullet Problem-solving, Reaching an Agreement, Recapitulating, Moving On

The TP Podcast

bullet Making Suggestions & Proposals
bullet Asking for and Giving Advice
bullet Giving Feedback

Please, for "defending positions" and "attacking positions", read my notes on Discussions in the TP Speaking section - Discussions

More (from previous page)
bullet Saying thank you (in oral & written texts; formal and informal language)
bullet Saying good-bye (in oral & written texts; formal and informal language)
bullet Saying hello (in oral & written texts; formal and informal language)
bullet Making Requests (in oral & written texts; formal and informal language)
bullet Giving contact information

The first draft of this section, Course 2005-2006 worddoc (1 page)

BBC downloadable audios and notes on...

Language for Discussing
bullet Make suggestions external link
bullet Make a point external link
bullet Disagreeing external link
bullet Show understanding external link
bullet Close conversations/topics external link
bullet Express uncertainty external link
bullet Extend a conversation external link

Language for asking
bullet Asking for and Giving Directions external link
bullet Asking for permission external link to do something
bullet Making informal invitations external link
bullet Making polite invitations external link
bullet Making an appointment external link
bullet Understanding a doctor's questions external link
bullet Getting clarifications from a doctor external link

Language for expressing yourself
bullet Talking about your likes external link (elementary)
bullet Talking about things you don't like external link (elementary)
bullet Talking about situations where you have no strong feelings external link (elementary)
bullet Giving good news external link
bullet Asking someone to change his/her behavior external link

Accepting and Refusing invitations

bullet Declining invitations external link (elementary)

Language for reacting
bullet Responding to someone's good news external link
bullet Responding to someone's bad news external link
bullet Responding to compliments external link
bullet Giving bad news external link

Language for giving feedback

bullet Making a complaint external link